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1460 -大学政策发展声明和过程


  • 位置: 总统
  • 电子邮件: president@b778066.com

最后更新: 2022年7月1日

A. 目的. This policy contains the process applicable to the adoption of new or amended university-wide policies and procedures. The university expects that the development and amendment of unit level policies will follow similar 审查 processes for notice and coordination, 视情况而定.

B. 范围. 这项政策适用于欧洲杯买球的所有员工和学生.

C. 定义.

C-1. 小的修改. Any change to an existing policy that is limited to making the policy consistent with controlling legal authority, 包括董事会政策, or that is a clerical or grammatical change or correction that does not change the intent, 范围, 政策的应用或意义.

C-2. 政策. A governing principle that embraces general goals and mandates or constrains actions. All proposed policies should include any general procedures necessary for implementation.

C-3. 政策协调员. The individual designated by the administration with responsibility for coordinating the development, 审查, 以及所有政策的批准. 政策协调员与学院秘书办公室密切合作.

C-4. 政策的发起者. 提出新政策或修订政策的人或一群人.

C-5. 政策的主人. A person responsible for the operational administration of policies and their related procedures. Depending on the 范围 of the subject matter, a policy may have more than one owner. 策略所有者由适当的高级领导确定.

C-6. 过程. 为落实既定政策而采取的具体行动.

C-7. 大学的政策. 在整个机构中适用的政策.

D. 权力等级. 所有的大学政策都有一系列的法律、法规和规章制度. University policies are subject to compliance with laws and regulations instituted by higher governing authorities in the following order of hierarchy:

1. 联邦法律法规

2. 国家法律法规

3. 校董会/州教育委员会的政策和程序

4. 大学的政策和程序

5. 大学政策和程序(包括中心/研究所)

6. 单位政策及程序

E. 政策

E-1. 在一般情况下. University policies shall be appropriately 审查ed and approved prior to implementation, 有效沟通,容易接近, 并遵守适用的法律标准. 所有员工, 学生, and visitors to University locations are expected to comply with University policies.

E-2. 标准. University policies must 1) advance the University’s mission or 2) be necessary to achieve compliance with higher governing authority, 并符合下列一项或多项标准:

1. 降低机构风险

2. 提升运作效率

3. 对学校有重大影响

F. 制定或更改全校政策的程序

F-1. 发展

a. 最初的发展. 欧洲杯买球的任何人都可以制定新的或修改的政策. The policy originator drafts the policy proposal in consultation with the policy coordinator and the unit administrator having responsibility for the subject matter of the proposed policy. 该单元管理员成为策略所有者. 政策 must adhere to the format and style guidelines published on the University policy website.

b. 审查和评论. The policy coordinator shall refer all proposed new policies and significantly revised policies to the appropriate 审查ing bodies as determined in consultation with the policy originator or owner, 老师的秘书, 法律顾问, 和其他合适的人. The policy coordinator shall ensure that 教师参议院 and 员工委员会 leadership are consulted regarding policies relating to shared governance. The policy coordinator shall provide for general notice of the proposed policy and an opportunity for those interested in the policy to comment on it.

F-2. 机构审批流程

a. 在学院管理范围内的政策.

i. 如果政策是在学院管理的范围内, 政策协调人应将其提交教务委员会批准. All policies approved by 教师参议院 shall be presented for approval to the university faculty at the next university faculty meeting. 在大学教员会议之后, 政策协调员应将所有已批准的政策转交给总裁.

ii. The president shall approve or disapprove the policy within sixty days of the faculty’s action and provide written notification of the decision to the 老师的秘书. Any item not approved by the president within this time will be deemed to be disapproved.

3. Once the president takes final action on any item passed at a university faculty meeting, 学院秘书应在两周内通知学院.

b. 不在学院管理范围内的政策. 如果政策不在学院管理的范围内, the policy coordinator shall submit it to the president for approval or disapproval.

F-3. 需要董事会批准的政策. The 总统’s Office forwards approved policies to the Board of Regents/State Board of Education for approval as necessary.

F-4. 次要的修改. 较小的修订可免于F-1至F-3所述的审查程序. The policy coordinator approves all minor amendments and posts them on the University policy website.

F-5. 公告及公布. The 老师的秘书 shall publish notice of approved policies and minor amendments other than permissible clerical or grammatical changes in the Daily Register and in the Senate Annual Report presented each fall to the incoming Senate. The policy coordinator shall provide for publication on the policy website all policy changes prior to the date of implementation.

G. 临时政策. The president may approve an interim policy to address legal requirements or a significant institutional risk if there is insufficient time to complete the standard 审查 and approval process. A timeline for completing the standard 审查 and approval of the interim policy as soon as reasonably practicable must be included in the request to the president. 如果获得批准,该政策将立即生效. The policy owner must complete the standard policy 审查 and approval process during this approved interim period.

H. 政策的实施. 所有新的和修订的政策将于7月1日或1月1日生效, 经最终批准先到者, 除非另有规定.

I. 综合评审周期. 政策的主人s shall complete a comprehensive 审查 of each of their policies on a regular schedule to be determined in consultation with the policy coordinator.


2022年7月修订. Information about president’s role in policy approval moved from FSH 1420 to Section F. 第G节为临时政策制定的新规定. Role of policy owner introduced along with requirement of regularly scheduled policy 审查. 广泛修订的清晰度贯穿始终.

2019年7月修订. The policy coordinator position was removed from the 老师的秘书 as a responsibility.

2013年12月修订. 编辑修改.

2011年7月修订. 文字来自APM 35的移除.31 was included in A; in addition, 在整个政策中澄清和更新了几个过程.

2009年7月修订. 编辑修改.

2007年7月修订. 修订,以提供额外的定义,以协助制定/修订政策, 编辑的变化.

2006年7月修订. 编辑修改.

2005年1月/秋季通过. 促进发展的一致性, 修改, 以及全校政策的介绍, 第1460条获得通过.


布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心


